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Cheat Chaser - Cheat Codes for Classic Gaming Platforms



While playing a game, press [Enter], then type one of the following codes, and press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Minerals and gas increased by 10,000show me the money
Minerals increased by 500whats mine is mine
Vespene gas increased by 500breathe deep
Everything upgradedsomething for nothing
Faster building and instant upgradesoperation cwal
Build anythingmodify the phase variance
Free upgrades to unitsmedieval man
Infinite psionic abilitythe gathering
Opponent has no psionicsnoglues
Indestructible buildings and shipspower overwhelming
Ignore supply limit when building unitsfood for thought
Completes missionthere is no cow level
Enable mission select [Note]ophelia
Terran mission selectterran[mission number]
Zerg mission selectzerg[mission number]
Protoss mission selectprotoss[mission number]
Continue after mission completedstaying alive
Win gameman over game
Lose gamegame over man
Remove fog of warwar aint what it used to be
Show entire mapblack sheep wall

Note: This code must be enabled before the other mission selection codes are used.

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