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Cheat Chaser - Cheat Codes for Classic Gaming Platforms



While this game is relatively simply to operate in terms of movement and ship management, it's masses of enemy fighters can challenge even the most hardened combat simmers. The following tips should give you a few handy pointers:

Enemy fighters are not particularly skilled dogfighters, so tactics such as varying your speed and making sharp turns are effective in shaking pursuing enemies, while allowing you to manoeuvre into a more offensive position.

Since your shields are not activated automatically, it's possible to keep them down until the crucial moments. The best idea is to save them until you're ready to attack capital ships at close range. Their mammoth firepower can be devastating if your shields have already been partially depleted.

Try to resist the urge to blast everything in sight, and instead listen carefully to the mission instructions relayed to you through the comm systems. If you make an attempt to destroy a target prematurely, you could blow the mission.

That's all for now. Time to get back to those controls. Best of luck :)

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