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Baldur's Gate - PC Cheat Codes

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Baldur's Gate Cheat Mode

Before doing the following, make sure you backup the file, or you risk really screw things up.

Using any text editor (Notepad, Wordpad, etc.), edit the "baldur.ini" file in your Baldur's Gate directory. Under the [Game Options] heading, put "Cheats=1" (case sensitive) before saving the file and running the game. Now, during play press Crtl+Tab to bring up the console. Enter any of the following codes and press enter to activate. Note: These are all case sensitive.

Cheats:DrizztAttacks(); Creates a hostile Drizzt
Cheats:DrizztDefends(); Creates a friendly Drizzt
Cheats:Midas(); Get 500 gold
Cheats:CowKill(); CowKill scroll in inventory
Cheats:CriticalItems(); Spawns all critical items
Cheats:FirstAid(); Add all kinds of healing to inventory
Cheats:ExploreArea(); Reveal current map
Cheats:TheGreatGonzo(); Creates 10 berserk friendly chickens
Cheats:Hans(); Teleports characters to new location on map

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